sabato 14 marzo 2009

Nyama choma. Tuska. Hakuna matata!

Finally the internet is letting me post photos! They are all from Tsavo. The second one is Mzima springs, the rest are just from around the park.

Since Tsavo we have mostly be doing school work. Not so much fun, unfortunately. We don't have a spring break here, but I guess the whole semester is a big trip so it balances out. A few of us have been joking about going to Cancun for "spring break." As I have mentioned before, we come up with some pretty ridiculous things here to entertain ourselves...

Today we actually didn't have class. Instead, we built desks at a pre-school in the area. Since there are so many of us, most of the time we weren't needed to physically build the desks. So instead, we played with the kids. So much fun. We played Maasai-type "ring around the rosy" games, ran around, gave piggy back rides, and served as dolls to play with (Maasai shave their heads, so the kids obsess over our hair. And our body hair - they don't really have much so they like to stroke our arms...) It's very rewarding whenever we get to interact with these kids. They are shy but quick to latch on and take you by the hand. You become instant rafiki (friends) with them. It's great.

On the way back to KBC, a few of us stopped in K-town to watch the Manchester vs. Liverpool match. So intense! We went to an establishment that was basically one small room with lots of rows of pew-style benches and a tv. We paid 20 shillings to get in. It wasn't a bar or anything, literally just a tv-viewing place. It was packed out the door with men. We were the only girls, let alone mzungu. The game itself was pretty insane, but watching it in such an energetic and unusual situation made it even better. We rarely do things like that - stopping off in K-town randomly and doing really local things (we kinda broke cultural taboos as women in the area...) but it was so worth it, just this once.

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